Sleaford Mods Gig - The Forum


The Forum was packed. In the bad old days, a haze of cigarette spoke choked the air. We're in the 2020's now and people take sneaky vapes. Loverly.

The support act was Enola. They gave off a bit of a Siouxsie and the Banshees / Savages vibe. I liked them. I'll be looking out for them in the future.

The Mods set up is simple. A laptop and a microphone. Andrew does the music. Jason does the vocals. Andrew used to just press a button and stand there. Now he out competes Jason in dad dancing. There's an honesty to that approach. No frills. Just the music stripped back. Punk with a dash of hip hop.

Opening up with 'UK Grim' from the new album they played a set that was a mix of old and new. 'Jobseeker' and 'Tied Up in Nottz' from the back catalogue were also highlights.

You'd think a pre-recorded soundtrack would be a bit flat. It's not. It's a wall of sound. It's spitting at the modern world of zero hours contracts, austerity and the gig economy. Put it in the bin! It's a call to arms. It's a call to get vaccinated against wealth measles.



  • On the Ground

  • Pit 2 Pit

  • McFlurry

  • Force 10 From Navarone

  • Giddy on the Ciggies

  • Tilldipper

  • Bang Someone Out

  • £5.60

  • I Don't Rate You

  • Smash Each Other Up

  • Mork n Mindy

  • Fizzy

  • Thick Ear

  • DIwhy

  • So Trendy

  • Strike Force

  • T.C.R.

  • Don

  • Tory Kong

  • I Claudius

  • Nudge It

  • Tied Up in Nottz

  • Jobseeker

  • Tweet Tweet Tweet

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